Help Desk
This is for companies who need help with occasional problems. There is no formal agreement required, but simply a confirmation that this is needed. Issues are typically of a moderate priority, but Urgent or High priorities are accepted and worked on as time permits. All customers receive a monthly report of issues solved or in-progress. A summary of time spent, including estimates for development work, are provided. Click the button below to initiate a support request.
Service Desk / Customer Portal
This is for companies who have a specific scope and defined expectations for support. Requirements are described and agreed-to in a simple, jointly developed proposal that can also set a duration for the Service Desk. Time is invoiced at actual each month, with a premium rate for immediate response to Urgent/High priorities. Monthly reports provide detailed activity, development estimates, and may include consultant time sheets if requested.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)
These services associated with this business model option are described in the SLA, a document that serves as both a ‘User Guide’ as well as a clear and understandable description of what is covered and what users can expect. The SLA is a 12-month agreement, applying the standard hourly rate for the resolution of all issues no matter the priority. Each SLA has a section that allows customers to include or modify requirements to fit their unique situation.

Your Support Team

Grant McCarthy
EDI Business Analyst
Nevin Ma
ProcessOne 365 Technical Architect